Online Collaboration Tools
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Online Collaboration Tools
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Curated by Robin Good
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Scooped by Robin Good
December 9, 2013 5:01 PM!

Videoconference and Co-Navigate Docs, Slides, Clips and Maps with MashMeTV

Videoconference and Co-Navigate Docs, Slides, Clips and Maps with MashMeTV | Online Collaboration Tools |
Robin Good's insight:

MashMeTV is a real-time collaboration web app which allows you to create one or more persistent collaboration rooms that integrate the following features:

  • video-conferencing for up to 12 people
  • whiteboard
  • Google Drive collaboration on docs and presentations
  • SlideShare in-sync presentation viewing
  • YouTube in-sync video viewing
  • Google Maps co-navigation
  • co-browsing
  • text chat
  • room visual personalization
  • free storage of 2.5 GB

Rooms can be set to be public or private (with a password that you can share), official meetings can be scheduled and you can invite anyone easily from within MashMeTV.

A good tool for collaborating with your team or for presenting to a few people your ideas or project. Unique in its ability to bring together several "view-together" functions under one roof.

Free to use for up to 24/hr/mo and for a max of 5 people at a time.


Find out more: 



(Added to Pinterest collection Top Free 20 Video Conferencing Tools 2013)

Lee Tonitto's curator insight, December 17, 2013 4:52 AM

MashMeTV is a real-time collaboration web app which allows you to create one or more persistent collaboration rooms that integrate the following features:

video-conferencing for up to 12 peoplewhiteboardGoogle Drive collaboration on docs and presentationsSlideShare in-sync presentation viewingYouTube in-sync video viewingGoogle Maps co-navigationco-browsingtext chatroom visual personalizationfree storage of 2.5 GB
sara suarez's curator insight, February 1, 2014 12:35 AM


Internet ha transformado nuestras vidas. Es con mucho una de las revoluciones más importantes que ha experimentado la humanidad y va a seguir cambiando nuestra sociedad en los próximos años.Sin duda la red nos ofrece innumerables oportunidades y es una herramienta indispensable que tiende a reducir las diferencias entre aquellos que tenemos la suerte de vivir en el denominado primer mundo.En nuestra avanzada sociedad, pese a existir aún reductos de marginación y pobreza, los problemas más acuciantes tienen mucho que ver con la educación de los niños.La falta de valores y referentes está marcando de forma indeleble el comportamiento de nuestros hijos. Y el ámbito donde mejor se mueven es precisamente el de la red, donde también es necesario regirse por unos valores y referentes que les permitan atajar los problemas con los que se van a encontrar día a día.La intimidad propia y ajena debe ser un concepto que los chicos deben tener claro.Los límites de lo que pueden subir a la red deben conocerlos y deben saber que la verdadera amistad es mucho más que un amigo virtual.Las consecuencias de una burla en la red son demoledoras e infinitas por definición.Es perfectamente posible que un desconocido pueda contactar con un menor y es una realidad incuestionable que los niños pasan demasiadas horas delante del ordenador sin hacer deporte, sin leer un buen libro y sin un adulto de referencia que le ayude a discriminar lo que le conviene de lo que no.Y por supuesto pueden acceder a contenidos claramente inadecuados para su edad. La red es algo cotidiano en nuestras vidas y algo indispensable en la de nuestros hijos.Es nuestra responsabilidad educarles en el buen uso de la misma y ejercer la patria potestad también en el mundo virtual. Un mundo donde los problemas son absolutamente reales.

Luís Cálix's curator insight, October 1, 2014 6:32 PM

Uma boa ferramenta para trabalho colaborativo!

A versão livre permite até 5 utilizadores em simultâneo, 12 horas por mês.

Scooped by Robin Good
April 12, 2012 2:52 AM!

Full Videoconferencing For Everyone with

Full Videoconferencing For Everyone with | Online Collaboration Tools |

Robin Good: is a new videoconferencing service which allows you to meet up with to 5 people in your own branded and persistent collaboration room.

There is no software to download or install as is completely web-based. also include other key collaboration features such as:

  • File transfer (coming)
  • Group notes
  • Text chat
  • Screen sharing (coming)
  • Video playback within meetings
  • Call conferencing support
  • Meeting management and scheduling
  • Custom domain for your persistent room
  • Public or Private mode

Free to use. No registration required.

Key features: 


More info: 

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Scooped by Robin Good
April 28, 2013 8:04 AM!

Create Persistent Collaboration Rooms To Chat & Videoconference with Ninchat

Create Persistent Collaboration Rooms To Chat & Videoconference with Ninchat | Online Collaboration Tools |

Robin Good's insight:

Ninchat is a web service which offers you the ability to create one or more persistent, online collaboration rooms, where you can text chat and videoconference with up to 12 people concurrently.

Collaborations rooms, or channels, created with Ninchat integrate text, video conferencing and file sharing via Dropbox. These rooms can be set to be "public" or "private" depending on your needs.

The chat history is "infinite" and fully searchable, allowing for effective  asynchronous exchanges, and messages can be exchanged also privately between individual users.

All Ninchat communications are SSL encrypted, there is an open API to extend and customize this service, and the service works across desktop computer and tablets/smartphones (Android only for now).

Basic plan free to use (2 rooms).

Higher pricing plans go from a "Small" 5-room option at $15/mo up to "large" for 30-rooms at $70/mo.

Try it out now:

Android version:

*added to my collection: Top 20 Free Videoconferencing Tools 2013

Dena Patrick|Wishadoo's comment, April 29, 2013 9:07 AM
I greatly appreciate these posts, Robin. I'm trying to find the best platform to have a series of online presentation/conversations and feel rather overwhelmed. I need the ability to present material, have live interaction in various forms (video, phone and text/chat), and record the sessions. Free or low cost, as well. I've assumed Google Hangouts would be the best choice but I greatly appreciate the other options you're presenting.
Robin Good's comment, April 29, 2013 9:59 AM
Glad to be of help Dena.
Carmenne Kalyaniwala's curator insight, April 30, 2013 2:49 AM

An interesting platform. Basic functions are free.