Online Collaboration Tools
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Online Collaboration Tools
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Curated by Robin Good
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Scooped by Robin Good
May 10, 2012 5:06 AM!

Access All Your Computer Files from your iPhone/iPad/Android with Polkast

Robin Good: Polkast is a free iOS and Android app which allows you to connect directly to your remote computer and instantly access all your files, videos, photos and music you have on it.

Polkast does not use any "cloud storage" type of solution to achieve this, but simply connects your mobile device or Windows 7 PC to your selected "home/work" Mac/PC, and then gives you direct access to all of your files through an organized system.

The app is free to download and use.

Check out this video: 


Mac download (for base station): 

PC download: 

More info: 

(Via Ana Cristina Pratas)

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Scooped by Robin Good
March 27, 2012 4:26 PM!

Comparative Table of Best Remote Desktop Support Tools

Comparative Table of Best Remote Desktop Support Tools | Online Collaboration Tools |

Robin Good: ISL Online, a provider of a great set of "remote support" software tools for all type of computers and mobile devices, has put together an extremely useful comparative table of all services available in this category.

The dynamic table allows you to compare a maximum of two remote support tools against ISL own ISL Light and across a large number of key traits and features. 

Very useful. 9/10

Remote support tools comparative table: 

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