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Rosemary Tyrrell, Ed.D.'s curator insight,
June 3, 2014 8:13 PM
A new app that lets you surf the net collaboratively.
Sue Alexander's curator insight,
June 6, 2014 9:21 PM
This looks like another great collaboration tool for my students; certainly deserves a closer look.
alexislucas's curator insight,
June 9, 2014 5:56 AM
de mémoire ça ne marche pas bien car cela souffre de lags et se révèle contre-intuitif
Massimiliano Cammuso's curator insight,
December 19, 2013 3:35 AM
I've find this tool via @Robin Good, it is very powerful. It is a sort of Skype but you can have channels and you can search in simply way . Channels created has the integration with the services like Twitter, Dropbox, Google Drive and more. Slack seems to be one of the best solution for online collaboration with less mail less kilometers Skype chat and always in sync I started using this tool with my team and seems they like it a lot! Let me know if you start to use this tool and if you like it!
paul babicki's curator insight,
February 5, 2014 7:18 PM #email #netiquette iq |
Photo Collage Mobicards's curator insight,
July 22, 2014 8:16 AM
Photo sharing mobicards is the publishing or transfer of a user's digital photos online and offline register by mobile apps, thus enabling the user to share them with others (publicly or privately).
Jannely Medina's curator insight,
October 31, 2013 11:15 AM
Muy interesante, ya que se evidencia el avance de la tecnología.. Es especial para todas aquellas personas que estudian a distancia y que necesitan comunicarse con compañeros de grupo..
Moses B. Tambason's curator insight,
November 9, 2013 2:41 PM
More people are running to charity tube to post free videos and watch free videos than posting on you tube. Try posting at charity tube and you will never leave. More visitors and more video views. Don't take our word for it, try it. Post one same video on youtube and put it on and return ater five hours and compare the viewers rate and decide for yourself. Create your very own group or forum and control who watch it and invite everyone to watch the video. Above all, post video in English or in any language and viewers can watch video description in their own language. Try it and let us know your experience. Above all it is absolutely free like youtube
Mrs. Amstutz's curator insight,
November 11, 2013 4:26 PM
Could be a powerful way for students and educators collaborate globally |
A new web-abased platform for collaborative work, conferencing (up to 250 people) and webcasting where you integrate: