Ecom Revolution
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Deep Dive Moon-Audio Web Analytics
Spending the day (and probably most of the weekend) deep diving #googleanlaytics  listening for the music of Here are a few of the questions I like to ask every quarter:

* YTD vs. LYTD sales by product & brand. 
* Site heuristics (time on, pages viewed, bounce YTD vs. LYTD. 
* Top 10 Internal searches (compared to last time we looked). 
* Top content. 
* Referring sources. 
* New vs. Returning YTD vs. LYTD. 
* Growth in social. 
* Most linked, shared & reviewed content (will be their Dragon Audio Cable so check against last bench marks). 
* Review the funnel (top entry / exit, Recency, Frequency, Monetary RFM values). 
* 80:20 rule in product sales, brands and content.  

 Read more about analytics deep dives on G+:!
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Curagami Score & Ecommerce
At our Startup funded startup Curagami we’ve created a new “super metric” called a Curagami Score”. We combine 11 different metrics from pagespread (number of pages in Google) to inbound links. We also have a few proprietary metrics such as LEI (Link Efficiency index).

Once you know a site’s Curagami Score its possible to create an ecosystem combining ANY website. Once you have an ecosystem you can compare even the most unlikely sites. Why would you want to create such a comparison? Because it’s interesting and informative to know who is “winning the day” in online marketing.


I created Curagami scores for websites from Red Bull to Schwan’s wondering if we could learn even more lessons from the master brander Red Bull (see my Curatti post Red Bull Branding Lessons).

Once we created Curagami scores for six different websites we can add them up and compare the share for each. The pie chart, from my Connection: The New Ecommerce Haiku Deck, shows the results.

One easy deduction? If Zappos and the other Ecommies on our comparison list were to adapt a more Red Bull-like branding approach their online “castles” would grow stronger faster. Zappos was closest the running of the Red Bulls but still a distant second. Look how completely Red Bull dominates their space.

Monster is so far away from Red Bull they won’t catch up in this lifetime UNLESS they disrupt instead of trying to copy and “be like” their bigger brother. Now imagine you knew your Curagami score and your competitor’s. How helpful would it be to know where you are winning and losing online?

Funny, that’s what we were thinking.!
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Scoop it Creator

Martin (Marty) Smith