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Scooped by Geoff Dodd

Video Sales Letter Script

Video Sales Letter Script | Entrepreneurship | Scoop.it

Need a VSL that converts? Here's how to write a video sales letter script yourself. Follow my questions to produce a VSL from this templat

Geoff Dodd's insight:
The VSL was invented by my friend and copywriting genius, Jon Benson. Jon is a true Californian beach lover. An actor, writer, voice guy. Jon Benson also created CopyPro software magic that uses A.I. or artificial intelligence to smartly syndicate A-lister marketing copy.

So you decide that you need great copy in your video sales letter script. OK, that's surely a starting point for outrageous success in any online business.

We provide you with a free, brief guide. It is customer focused, looking at who, demographically, is your avatar? Who is your ideal customer? What pain points and unsolved problems are they bemoaning and complaining about?

Then you simply present your best solution to the problem! Differentiate it from the inferior competition. Expand out the benefits of your solution.

Here's what I want you to do next: 

GO to the blog page posted and revealed above. It contains your instructions. Brief and concise. OK?

See you in the next amazing Scoop post for committed and serious Internet entrepreneurs.

The marketing manager.

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Scooped by Geoff Dodd

7 Eye-Opening Strategies to Skyrocket Affiliate Sales! - by Geoff Dodd

7 Eye-Opening Strategies to Skyrocket Affiliate Sales! - by Geoff Dodd | Entrepreneurship | Scoop.it
Going broke? Try these 7 tricky, breakthrough strategies to boost your affiliate sales faster! Proven ideas and tactics of Super Affiliates..
Geoff Dodd's insight:
Entrepreneurs could benefit from a condensed crash course on internet marketing. Especially where it relates to increasing sales results for affiliate marketers.

A simple business plan is provided inside to help entrepreneurs think about their plans and to visualize what steps to take next. Planning is a guide only. You will need to adjust with feedback, as Elon Musk and the Google founders and Richard Branson can attest.

The Internet is different. It is a place to test, test, A/B split tests of variants in copywriting headlines and wording, as well as the profit center itself. Rigid planning is NOT the way to go online.

So check out our 7 astonishing breakthrough strategies for increasing both your numbers of affiliate sales and list subscribers. Adjust as you go and repeat more of what works. OK?

The Editor In Chief
Business School Copywriting Department, 
Waikato Region and North
New Zealand, Oceania

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Scooped by Geoff Dodd

Headline Templates Free To You Grab Headline Swipe File

This video is all about headline templates free, but it also covers Irresistible copywriting Ideas! Profit-boosting information.
Geoff Dodd's insight:
Take the higher path which looks risky, but which will gently unfold layer after layer of bountiful rewards. This is the way it works... like a seed taking root in the Spring, expanding and unfolding more and more of its intrinsic beauty! See: https://youtu.be/cZ86gf7p1cY
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Scooped by Geoff Dodd

🆕 How to Write a Sales Page That Converts 👉 Ultra Quick Writing Prompts PDF

For How to Write a Sales Page That Converts, visit:

This YouTube video is about How to Write a Sales Page That Converts valuable quick prompts information. It also covers the following related subjects and topics:
- sales page copy
- sales copywriting structure and sequence
- how to make a sales video or VSL

So you want to know more about how to write a sales page that converts. I did too and here's the result.
Sales page that converts PDF interested me so I did some research study and published this to YouTube .
If you wish to discover even more about sales page copy I suggest you look into our other videos :
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See an example of a top selling VSL video sales letter:

High Conversion Rate is The Holy Grail

Where can I find high converting sales page examples?
What are the best sales page examples online?

Building and creating great sales letters:
Tell me how to write a great sales page
Site building and learn how to write a sales landing page
How long does it take to write a sales page in long form?
Find out how to write a short sales page
Learning how to write a good sales page
Best-selling sales pages examples
What is a sales page design with product images and features and benefits?
How do you write a sales script for phone or call center?
How to write a sales letter with a hook and attention-grabbing headline?
Show me a good sale page example
How to write sales report example for conversion to pdf document?

If you were trying to find more info about sales page copy or sales copywriting did this video help you?
Possibly you wish to comment below and let me know what else I can help you with, or provide further info on how to write a sales page that converts.

#How_to_Write_a_Sales_Page_That_Converts #Writing_Prompts #Sales_Page_Example #Sales_Copywriting_Sequence #Sales_Page_Copy #How_To_Make_a_Sales_Video


Geoff Dodd's insight:
Entrepreneurs need this: Ultra-Quick Writing Prompts by the exponential genius copywriter.

Read that sentence again.

If YOU want to promote anything at all. It might be your new patented product. It might be your blog or website, a video on YouTube or on Vimeo, a white paper for a new blockchain development ... a new coin.

You will need to fire up and embellish your writing skills.

There's no getting around it. 

The best communicators will attract the most money. Think about it.

TURN those product features into benefits. The child's toy RC car has batteries included so you can have a stress-free Christmas morning with the kids. (Or, with your son).

See? There's a method to writing good copy. In this case, a 'feature' is turned into an emotional benefit.

So, it is definitely worth it to you to watch this attached video. Read all the descriptive text under it, too.

Writing requires inspiration. I use brain wave entrainment and strong coffee early in the morning!

GRAB your PDF of Ultra Quick Writing Prompts for business copywriters right now, because it was written at an insane level of miraculous inspiration.

Well, honestly, that was how I was feeling when I wrote the darn thing. It felt like "you can do magic, " and yes, even, "I believe something wonderful's going to happen."

The future is exciting when you begin to master a few sales page writing copywriting skills.

START here and now. DO it today!

Geoff Dodd Online Courses.

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Scooped by Geoff Dodd

Sales Letter Template pdf – Online Course Business School

Sales Letter Template pdf – Online Course Business School | Entrepreneurship | Scoop.it

Want Great Writing Skills?

Feeling stuck about what to write to sell your business offers?

It's a painful and frustrating problem. Almost humiliating- and yes, it needs a fix. You need a system. A structure with a proven sequence. Introducing my new PDF e-Book: Exponential Copywriting, Sales Letter Template!

This book will certainly change your life--forever! I'm confident that it will have a profound and lasting impact on your business. Why am I so sure? Because it 'over-delivers' value. The book's packed with doable examples that make writing easy for you. So because you're interested in creating a huge (and immediate) cash-flow for yourself or your business, this is going to be the most exciting little book you will ever read.

You're an action taker! You can feel this pulling you forward because I want to make you a huge success story--and gain your testimonial willingly. Moving from today's pain to tomorrow's joy... are you aware now of an increased desire to fix your problem?

So You Crave a bunch of hot buyers? You want the very words that million-dollar copywriters use to create cash on demand? Swiftly--you will get that guidance here in my book, and it all becomes shockingly easy!

You're about to discover The Raw Truth about effective copywriting -- so read every word that follows, immediately below:

Writing a high-converting sales letter is a very skilled business. You'll need much more than just a sales letter template pdf. You'll need full accompanying notes to impart a pro's understanding of what's going on at each baby step in the process; what to be aware of in the micro-moment that your prospect is seeing, perceiving and 'digesting' your copy. Is he/she progressing through a well-defined sequence of beliefs?

Stark Warning!

One false move. One moment of distraction or unconsciousness and you've lost your customer. Yes, you're staying hyper-conscious. You're talking to the subconscious of your prospect. You'd better stay on your toes, just like a high class hypnotherapist--knowing what triggers what. I'll show you how to do it.

You focus on feelings and emotions in the NOW. How will your prospect then feel one year later, after experiencing your unique, optimal solution? Because you differentiate your product or service from the competition. Why is yours so much better? You project into the future emotions of how will they feel when their problem is resolved and their life has completely changed for the better?

What's the sequence?

Here are the main points that you will see covered in the Sales Letter Template pdf : This is the process you'll need

The Attention-Grabbing Headline - first contact The 'Hook' to hold 'emThe Power of StorytellingEmpathy for the predominant emotionA totally unique solution to the problemBulleted Benefits of this better solutionPrice justification - Value propositionCall to ACTIONTime limited offerGuarantee of complete satisfactionWrite a F.A.Q., preparing for the inevitable objections!

Sales Letter Template PDF Needs Notes:

You know the feeling of a collier ship wallowing around in a stormy sea? Captain James Cook would have experienced that feeling more than once in 1769 when he discovered New Zealand. You really don't want to feel like a ship out at sea during a storm, with eight metre high waves pounding you.

Then the ship's lookout spotted blood in the water. Soon, 3 4m sharks were circling ... competitors ravenous to take advantage.

No wallowing. No to writer's block. NO to doubt and uncertainty ... fear of blood in the water!

In fact, I'd strongly advise you to become a tenacious predator, bold and unique in your approach to copywriting and marketing ... even brutal and driving ever forward.

You've just gotta reach deep for the real, authentic person inside. Pre-meditated, just sometimes. The brave new entrepreneur, who's unashamed about helping clients target one billion bucks in the next ten years.

What's in it for me?

If you can get your hands on this rare, itemized PDF e-Book, you'll get the special sequence that hypnotizes your prospect so that:

your writing becomes totally irresistible to the reader!you'll triple, quadruple, or even 10x your personal incomeyou'll make a quantum leap on the learning curveyou get a fast transfer of in-demand skillsyour career prospects will be brighter with an exciting future!your time will become freed up and you'll be much, much happieryou'll experience a fabulously rewarding journey within yourself

You can keep doing what you've been doing and continue getting the same results and be filled with the same feelings of confusion, overwhelm, and constant stress...

OR.... you can break through into the amazing CLARITY of a new light

How hungry are you? Really?! How much success do you crave? Can you persuade me that you're lusting after the A-level results now--consistently? Caste your fears to the wind. FEARS no longer serve any purpose, and as soon as you've banished them, your flexibility in your own writing will astound you--as you'll break through into higher and higher skill levels!

Here's What I've Done For You

I've just arranged a huge 81% DISCOUNT for a limited time on my Copywriter's Sales Letter Template (with full accompanying notes). It's easily worth $197 to you because of:

1. the strong headline templates included

2. hot phrases to excite and stimulate your customers, as well as examples of empathy in effective copywriting that generates hundreds of sales!

3. the full, highly innovative, very easy-to-read writing prompts you'll need in 2021 to 2025.

This eBook is totally life-changing! TODAY, it is yours for just $37. ( a meal for two? ) A simple decision if you want to grow your business?

Why am I doing this? I want you to get up and running fast, with a head start in this difficult copywriting game. A kick-start into your future. I want your massive SUCCESS STORY. Your testimonial. It's ALSO celebrating the opening of this brand new website: Geoff Dodd's Business School online courses.

Go here to grab your copy of the Sales Letter Template PDF (with full notes) at an unprecedented 81% discount. Your future self will be happy with this decision. Click here and claim your copy now:

You'll discover how to make maximum money in minimum time. Ready to receive high-end insider knowledge?


You'll earn commissions for your online sales, just like I'm doing daily!

I have faith that you'll get a TON of value out of my inspired Sales Letter Template PDF (with full accompanying notes). Even the irresistible HEADLINE ideas alone will be mind-blowing for your business prospects.

Grasp my point of difference concept and you'll be riding in the gravy train within 30 days! PROVE it to yourself, at absolutely no risk to you. Results Guaranteed. For one entire year.

IF for any reason you're not ecstatic, motivated, ready to breakthrough in your copywriting after reading my Template and notes, I'd gladly refund your money to you. The sheer value being delivered here is far, far in excess of the $37 price. I'm putting you on a path to your better life. Your whole identity will be radically transformed by exposure to this material. ~Geoff Dodd, Author

You can do this. Your journey begins with one click. You can have a no risk taste. FEEL the Value inside.

Look--you need to 'get' this as a brand-new copywriter: The market rewards you for solving its problems. A sale takes place when in the mind of a customer, the value of the solution you are selling outweighs the price that you are asking for it. And, the bigger the problem you solve, the more you can earn!

Surprise BONUS

When you read this magical little pdf eBook, look down at the bottom-right corner. Your BONUS eBook #1 will appear. It's the real secret to your positive mindset as a writer. How in heaven's name do you manage to keep so positive? they'll ask you. Smiling, you reply: I bought the book.

One YEAR money back guarantee applies to your e-Book purchase



Please subscribe above to chat and discuss copywriting ideas. Anything that'll push your journey forward! We can always improve our results in this fabulous, lucrative art. Fact: there's no magic quite as exciting as professional copywriting! Enjoy the PDF Template, if you grab it at my current 81% Discount. (Plus you get the 2 Free Bonuses!)

By the way, your personal info is always perfectly safe with us. It's encrypted. We hate spam too with a burning passion. Get inspired and stay positive! ~Geoff

Tip: Learn the Secret of Programming your subconscious mind

Here's another surprise Bonus eBook #2: Download your newly released PDF eBook: Reprogram Subconscious by Geoff Dodd. (Free, no strings attached).

Fill in the subscription form above for a few surprises. You can hit reply to any message and chat to G & G about power tools for the Web, and hot, trigger techniques in your copywriting. We are here for your online success.

Click the Millionaire Club image and create your Future Of Prosperity NOW

Thanks for visiting Geoff and Grace today at our online Business School. Keep chatting.....

Geoff Dodd's insight:
Entrepreneurs wanting to break through into the 8 figure and 9 figure income zones know that they desperately need the services of  several top, A-level copywriters. Guys like John Carlton, Clayton Makepeace and Roy Furr, writers like the genius Geoff Dodd in New Zealand. This Scoop-It is his....

Geoff Dodd has prepared a sales letter template PDF for you, here. See the writing immediately above this commentary area.

Get classy marketing ideas and trigger copy from Geoff Dodd, today, at his online courses Business School:

Thank you for reading this unstoppable persuasive material. Your future is exciting, because something wonderful's going to happen once you get your mitts on this sales letter trigger PDF source, by Geoff Dodd

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