Immunology Diagnosis
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Immunology Diagnosis
Diagnostico en el Laboratorio de Inmunología
Curated by Alfredo Corell
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Curso "online" Introducción a la calidad en el laboratorio (4.2 CFCs) - GECLID

Curso "online" Introducción a la calidad en el laboratorio (4.2 CFCs) - GECLID | Immunology Diagnosis |

6 semanas comienza 13 octubre

En este curso de introducción, presentaremos los conceptos básicos para entendernos con normas, leyes y auditorías. Además, manejaremos las herramientas imprescindibles para optimizar nuestro día a día mediante la mejora continua de nuestros procesos y procedimientos en el laboratorio y trataremos de descubrir todo lo que un sistema de calidad puede hacer para facilitarnos el trabajo.

Alfredo Corell's insight:

Duración: 6 semanas.

Certificación: 4,2 CFCs.
Modalidad: Virtual.
Capacitación: XIR ,FEA, LEA, Técnicos, DUE,…

Reciclaje y actualización de profesionales de la inmunología clínica en el campo de la calidad en el laboratorio:

  • Introducción a la calidad en el laboratorio.
  • Manejar y comprender los conceptos básicos de calidad y legislación aplicables a un laboratorio clínico.
  • Adquirir destreza en la elaboración de procedimientos, mapas, incidencias, análisis y planes de mejora.
  • Conocer los conceptos y cálculos estadísticos básicos para el trabajo en calidad (incertidumbres, medias robustas, desviaciones, errores).


  • Los participantes recibirán textos teórico-prácticos para su lectura y comprensión (esta comprensión será evaluada antes de finalizar el curso).
  • Se utilizarán como herramienta docente el Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (mediante el trabajo sobre procedimientos e incidencias).
  • En cada Incidencia/Procedimiento se realizará una Revisión por pares de los Diagnósticos y abordajes terapéuticos (los participantes se convierten en revisores del trabajo de los compañeros).
  • Cada semana se asignarán una serie de tareas teórico-prácticas obligatorias y otras voluntarias, que serán evaluadas siempre a su conclusión.
  • De modo periódico se realizarán Chats con la participación de profesores y alumnos para aclarar dudas que hayan surgido en la realización de las tareas.
  • Los participantes dispondrán de modo continuo de un foro para plantear cualquier duda que requiera respuesta (de los compañeros y profesores).

Disponer de conexión diaria a internet (y dirección de correo electrónico) para acceder al Campus Virtual de GECLID-SEI, donde se realizará el curso (

Descargar programa completo:

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Laboratorio clínico 2.0 | Revista del Laboratorio Clínico

Laboratorio clínico 2.0 | Revista del Laboratorio Clínico | Immunology Diagnosis |
Una de las preguntas peor valoradas en las encuestas de satisfacción que hacemos los laboratorios a los clínicos es la comunicación de cambios y novedades. Debemos plantearnos que, si esto es así, es porque no utilizamos los canales adecuados; seguramente será preciso combinar diferentes canales dependiendo de los hábitos y de los medios de que disponga el clínico.
Alfredo Corell's insight:

La digitalización de nuestro medio laboral es un hecho y en nuestro campo tenemos que liderar esta nueva perspectiva de futuro, esta nueva forma de intercambio de información, de intercambio de datos, de intercambio de ideas. Compartir la información permite crear una inteligencia colectiva.

Nos encontramos en un punto de consolidación de la digitalización de la información y de crecimiento del potencial que tiene el intercambio de información a través de las redes sociales. Tenemos que saber aprovecharlo. Debemos estar presentes en estos cambios ya que de lo contrario, otros ocuparán nuestro lugar.

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On the improvement of blood sample collection at clinical laboratories

On the improvement of blood sample collection at clinical laboratories | Immunology Diagnosis |
Blood samples are usually collected daily from different collection points, such hospitals and health centers, and transported to a core laboratory for testing. This paper presents a project to improve the collection routes of two of the largest clinical laboratories in Spain. These routes must be designed in a cost-efficient manner while satisfying two important constraints: (i) two-hour time windows between collection and delivery, and (ii) vehicle capacity.
Alfredo Corell's insight:

BMC Health Services Research 2014, 14:12  doi:10.1186/1472-6963-14-12

The electronic version of this article is the complete one and can be found online at:

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Validation of Cell-Based Fluorescence Assays: Practice Guidelines from the ICSH and ICCS

Validation of Cell-Based Fluorescence Assays: Practice Guidelines from the ICSH and ICCS | Immunology Diagnosis |
Alfredo Corell's insight:

Cytometry Part B: Clinical Cytometry -

September/October 2013

Volume 84Issue 5

Pages 279–357

Issue edited by: Marie C. Béné, Gerald E. Marti

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GECLID: garantía externa de calidad en Inmunología y Citometría. ¿Ya estás inscrito?

GECLID: garantía externa de calidad en Inmunología y Citometría. ¿Ya estás inscrito? | Immunology Diagnosis |

Boletin de inscripción 2014


Programas, Esquemas y Precios 2014: 

Alfredo Corell's insight:

GECLID, se consolida como proveedor de calidad para inmunología y citometría. Algunas pruebas sólo se ofertan en GECLID y no en otros programas EPT ni europeos ni en otros continentes:

-Actividad hemolítica total del complemento (CH50)

-Actividad funcional de linfocitos T en respuesta a mitógenos

-Actividad funcional de monocitos y granulacitos (fagocitosis y quimiotaxis)


son entre otros... nuestras ofertas exclusivas. La calidad nuestra seña de identidad.


Inscripción via web en: 


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FACTORES QUE AFECTAN LA SENSIBILIDAD (2ª parte) en el Laboratorio Clínico

FACTORES QUE AFECTAN LA SENSIBILIDAD (2ª parte) en el Laboratorio Clínico | Immunology Diagnosis |
Alfredo Corell's insight:

Los profesionales que en sus laboratorios no poseen la temperatura regulada y constante a lo largo del año, especialmente los que realizan técnicas semiautomáticas o manuales, como EIA, ELISA, RIA, IRMA, IFI, IFA, etcétera, incluidas las técnicas de química clínica o enzimáticas, podrán observar variaciones pero, esas variaciones pueden ocurrir también a causa del pH y la fuerza iónica de los buffers y las soluciones de lavado que, a su vez, sus valores varían con los cambios de la temperatura y afectan las condiciones del equilibrio. En muchas ocasiones, distintos fabricantes optimizan sus ensayos con soluciones reguladoras, de ensayo o de lavado con pH y FI apropiadas para sus ensayos particulares y seguramente no coinciden con los de otros analitos ni entre fabricantes.

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"The paradox of the error free laboratory"

"The paradox of the error free laboratory" | Immunology Diagnosis |
A lot of people strive to make their microbiology laboratory "error free". Whilst this could be said to be an admirable goal, maybe we need to think about what we wish for a little further.. A prog...
Alfredo Corell's insight:

The same applies for an Immunology lab.

The post is quite interesting, pointing out crucial aspects of errors at the lab.

External Proficiency Testing is just one of the tools for avoiding some error sources


"So maybe the next time your boss comes to you and says “Congratulations, so far this year we have had no errors, and no complaints from laboratory users”, maybe the response should be “So what are we doing wrong?….”

Gilbert C FAURE's curator insight, November 22, 2013 6:22 AM

think positive on quality management

although applications of regulations can be so negatively coercitive...

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No time for Quality? Reasons to Reevaluate and Reinvest in a Lab Quality Program : September-October 2013

No time for Quality? Reasons to Reevaluate and Reinvest in a Lab Quality Program : September-October 2013 | Immunology Diagnosis |
No time for Quality? Reasons to Reevaluate and Reinvest in a Lab Quality Program : September-October 2013 - MLM Magazine - Peer-to-Peer Information Source for Clinical Lab Management
Alfredo Corell's insight:

Poor quality in the lab not only forces an organization into a reactive mode of problem solving, but it also creates a higher cost burden than a laboratory with an effective quality infrastructure experiences. Reruns performed due to quality control failures can significantly increase testing costs and cut into a lab’s bottom line. Furthermore, according to a recent study, correction of errors across all phases of laboratory testing can consume 12-35 percent of technician time.

Gilbert C FAURE's curator insight, October 28, 2013 10:07 AM

quality is a state of mind, andshould not be an administrative coercition

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Collaboration of Caltech Engineers and LeukoDX Produces Prototype Point-of-Care Device That Counts White Blood Cells in Minutes in the Patient’s Home

Collaboration of Caltech Engineers and LeukoDX Produces Prototype Point-of-Care Device That Counts White Blood Cells in Minutes in the Patient’s Home | Immunology Diagnosis |
Over the last couple of years, medical laboratory technology developers have brought a number of FDA-approved, point-of-care (POCT) and home self-tests to market.
Alfredo Corell's insight:

Sometimes the Quality controls and appropiate use of this devices are not concordant with maufacturer's instructions.


Could be useful, but could be dangerous without the proper use.

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NEW FALL GECLID-SEI COURSES: Transplant Diagnostic Reports and Introduction to aQuality in the Lab - starting 28th october

NEW FALL GECLID-SEI COURSES: Transplant Diagnostic Reports and Introduction to aQuality in the Lab - starting 28th october | Immunology Diagnosis |
Programa de Garantía Externa de Calidad para Laboratorios de Inmunología Diagnóstica
Alfredo Corell's insight:

Programm for the Renal transplantation course:


Programm for the Introduction to Quality in the Laboratory: 


NOW with CFC recognition credits

You cand follow them completely "on-line"


Official language: Spanish



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The 5 Most Misdiagnosed Diseases - Infections in the 1st position

The 5 Most Misdiagnosed Diseases - Infections in the 1st position | Immunology Diagnosis |
The 5 Most Misdiagnosed Diseases
Motley Fool
As investors, it also gives us definable opportunities to take advantage of instances where certain medicines or diagnostics may greatly increase in usage to improve patients' quality of life.
Alfredo Corell's insight:

Where do we go from here?
In addition to increasing the awareness for both patients and physicians around these five commonly misdiagnosed diseases, I believe it opens up the door for advancements in diagnostic and molecular technologies.

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Using Application Settings to Standardize Flow Cytometry Results Across Experiments and Instruments

Using Application Settings to Standardize Flow Cytometry Results Across Experiments and Instruments | Immunology Diagnosis |
Create flow cytometry settings that allow for standardized consistent fluorescence intensity target values.
Alfredo Corell's insight:

Guidelines and steps to standarize Flow cytometry.

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Management and quality tools, Ola Elgaddar, 2013

A summary for some of the famous quality management tools. Those are just titles, actually, there are a lot to be said and discussed here!
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Methods-Based Proficiency Testing in Molecular Genetic Pathology

Methods-Based Proficiency Testing in Molecular Genetic Pathology | Immunology Diagnosis |
New FREE Perspectives: Methods-Based Proficiency Testing in Molecular Genetic Pathology
Alfredo Corell's insight:

This Perspectives article describes methods-based proficiency testing (MBPT), the benefits and limitations of MBPT, why the time is right for MBPT in molecular diagnostics, and how MBPT for next-generation sequencing is being developed by the College of American Pathologists.

The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics

Accepted 11 February 2014. published online 20 March 2014. 

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Rutas de recogida de muestras y error en el proceso analítico | Revista del Laboratorio Clínico

Rutas de recogida de muestras y error en el proceso analítico | Revista del Laboratorio Clínico | Immunology Diagnosis |

Rutas de recogida de muestras y error en el proceso analíticoSample collection routes and errors in the analytical process

Jaume Belles Sampera a, Salvador Ventura Pedret b, Magda Gomis Castellvi b, Jaume Miquel March Amengual c

Alfredo Corell's insight:


La logística en el campo de la preanalítica es determinante en el buen funcionamiento de los laboratorios y un rasgo diferencial entre los que apuestan por la calidad y la innovación. Hemos creído conveniente redactar este artículo para que el personal sanitario encargado de la planificación y el seguimiento de las rutas de transporte de muestras sepa a qué tipo de problemas se enfrenta y cómo puede valorarlos. Consideramos que el ejemplo descrito, pese a su sencillez, puede despertar el interés del público al que va dirigido, y ayudar a la evaluación y mejora del proceso de recogida, traslado y análisis de las muestras.

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Ongoing shipments in GECLID-SEI schemes: the only EPT with CH50 functional complement

Ongoing shipments in GECLID-SEI schemes: the only EPT with CH50 functional complement | Immunology Diagnosis |
Programa de Garantía Externa de Calidad para Laboratorios de Inmunología Diagnóstica
Alfredo Corell's insight:

Direct link to schemes and prizes:

Direct link to Registration form: 

Gilbert C FAURE's curator insight, February 7, 2014 3:47 AM

quality controls by immunologists for immunologists

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Inauguran primer centro especializado en Inmuno Diagnóstico en Caracas -

Inauguran primer centro especializado en Inmuno Diagnóstico en Caracas - | Immunology Diagnosis |
La variedad de las especialidades de los profesionales que conforman el IDID permite integrar de manera interdisciplinaria la atención del paciente  Nota de prensa.- El Instituto Docente de Inmuno Diagnóstico (IDID) es el primer...
Alfredo Corell's insight:

Nos alegramos de la apertura de un gran centro de diagnóstico inmunológico en Caracas

Entre los objetivos del IDID destacan: diagnosticar al paciente portador de enfermedades alérgicas, inmunodeficiencias primarias o secundarias, autoinmunes órgano específicas y del colágeno vascular, entre otras; facilitar la aplicación de tratamientos farmacológicos, emplear nuevos métodos inmuno-moduladores y ofrecer exploraciones inmuno-diagnósticas de respuesta inmunológica mediada por anticuerpos.

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Reducing errors in laboratory testing using EQA/PT programmes

Reducing errors in laboratory testing using EQA/PT programmes | Immunology Diagnosis |
An article on reducing errors in analytical laboratory testing with the help of EQA/PT programmes (Reducing errors in laboratory testing with the help of EQA and Proficiency Testing programmes
Alfredo Corell's insight:

All Your Immunology Proficiency Programs for 2014 at GECLID-SEI and GECLID-SEI-SIC:


web: ;

2014 listing and prizes: 

2014 inscription bulletin: 

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2013 World Quality Month

2013 World Quality Month | Immunology Diagnosis |
It's time to celebrate...well, you! It's World Quality Month!
Alfredo Corell's insight:

November is World Quality Month


that's also for Immunology Laboratory diagnosis

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Medical Laboratory Quality and Anatomic Pathology Errors among Issues Discussed during Lab Quality Management Conference in Vancouver |

Medical Laboratory Quality and Anatomic Pathology Errors among Issues Discussed during Lab Quality Management Conference in Vancouver | | Immunology Diagnosis |
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA—In this beautiful port city, a national gathering of clinical laboratory and anatomic pathology experts convened last week and tackled serious issues concerning the accuracy and integrity of the diagnostic test...
Alfredo Corell's insight:

one presentation discussed the source of errors in anatomic pathology. It was delivered by Gregory J. Flynn, M.D., a pathologist who is the Managing Director of the Institute for Quality Management in Healthcare in Toronto, Ontario. He explained how each phase—pre-analytical, analytical, and post-analytical—could be the source of systemic errors that would affect the accuracy of the patient’s diagnosis and negatively impact patient safety.

Read more: Medical Laboratory Quality and Anatomic Pathology Errors among Issues Discussed during Lab Quality Management Conference in Vancouver | Dark Daily

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Across the Globe, ISO 15189 Enjoys Growing Acceptance by Governments for the Accreditation of Medical Laboratories in their Countries | Dark Daily

Across the Globe, ISO 15189 Enjoys Growing Acceptance by Governments for the Accreditation of Medical Laboratories in their Countries | Dark Daily | Immunology Diagnosis |
Even as only a small number of clinical laboratories in the United States have taken the steps to earn accreditation to ISO 15189 Medical Laboratories, it is a different story in other nations, particularly where no statutory requirement for...
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ERA Significantly Accelerates Turnaround Time for Proficiency Testing Results

ERA Significantly Accelerates Turnaround Time for Proficiency Testing Results | Immunology Diagnosis |
New Process Reduces Waiting Period from Twenty-one Days to Two Days Environmental Resource Associates (ERA), a Waters® Business, recently completed a nine-month project to significantly reduce the turnaround time for reporting laboratory...
Alfredo Corell's insight:

It is imperative that laboratories receive reliable PT results as quickly as possible. Laboratories rely on proficiency tests to signal potential quality issues within their facility. A failed proficiency test could be an indicator of a problem with testing methodology, instrument, or an analyst’s performance.

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Clinical Cytometry - Volume 84, Issue 5 - Validation of Cell-Based Fluorescence Assays: Practice Guidelines from the International Council for Standardization of Haematology and t...

Clinical Cytometry - Volume 84, Issue 5 - Validation of Cell-Based Fluorescence Assays: Practice Guidelines from the International Council for Standardization of Haematology and t... | Immunology Diagnosis |
Alfredo Corell's insight:
Cytometry Part B: Clinical CytometrySpecial Issue: Validation of Cell-Based Fluorescence Assays: Practice Guidelines from the International Council for Standardization of Haematology and the International Clinical Cytometry SocietySeptember/October 2013

Volume 84, Issue 5

Pages 279–357

Issue edited by: Marie C. Béné, Gerald E. Marti

Gilbert C FAURE's curator insight, September 29, 2013 2:22 PM

thanks MC/Bruce et al...

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Infectious Disease Diagnosis: New Guideline on Lab Tests - Medscape

Infectious Disease Diagnosis: New Guideline on Lab Tests - Medscape | Immunology Diagnosis |
Infectious Disease Diagnosis: New Guideline on Lab Tests Medscape "The quality of the laboratory services must be excellent in order for the ID physician and other physicians to have confidence that the results will lead to an accurate diagnosis or...
Alfredo Corell's insight:

Microbiological diagnoses based on laboratory testing directly affect patient care and outcomes, including hospital infection control, duration of hospitalization, and laboratory efficiency, according to new guidelines from the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) and the American Society for Microbiology.

The new recommendations, which address appropriate and accurate use of laboratory tests to diagnose infectious diseases (IDs), were published online July 10 in Clinical Infectious Diseases by Ellen Jo Baron, PhD, from the Department of Pathology, Stanford University School of Medicine, and Cepheid, R&D, Sunnyvale, California, and colleagues.

Direct link to the Clinical Infectious Diseases Journal:

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Diagnostic Errors Are the Leading Type of Malpractice Claim - BMJ Quality and Safety

Diagnostic Errors Are the Leading Type of Malpractice Claim - BMJ Quality and Safety | Immunology Diagnosis |
Alfredo Corell's insight:

BMJ Qual Saf doi:10.1136/bmjqs-2012-001550

Original research25-Year summary of US malpractice claims for diagnostic errors 1986–2010: an analysis from the National Practitioner Data Bank


Ali S Saber Tehrani1,HeeWon Lee2,Simon C Mathews2,Andrew Shore3,Martin A Makary3,Peter J Pronovost4,David E Newman-Toker1


Conclusions Among malpractice claims, diagnostic errors appear to be the most common, most costly and most dangerous of medical mistakes. We found roughly equal numbers of lethal and non-lethal errors in our analysis, suggesting that the public health burden of diagnostic errors could be twice that previously estimated. Healthcare stakeholders should consider diagnostic safety a critical health policy issue.


a review in a blog:


Review at Doctorslounge:

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