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Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education
All about Educational Innovation, new tools & trends, MOOCs in Higher Education
Curated by Alfredo Corell
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La Innovación Educativa para transformar la Sociedad Multicultural: El papel de las Universidades

La Innovación Educativa para transformar la Sociedad Multicultural: El papel de las Universidades | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |
  • Título: La Innovación Educativa para transformar la Sociedad Multicultural: El papel de las Universidades.
  • Editor: Aurelio Villa Sánchez.
  • I.S.B.N.:  978-84-942839-3-2
  • Formato: Impreso y Digital.
Alfredo Corell's insight:


por Luis A. Sanz, J. Carlos Aragón, J.R. Regueiro y A. Corell

Esta publicación contiene las diferentes contribuciones (ponencias, paneles, grupos de discusión, y comunicaciones) presentadas en el V Foro Internacional de Innovación Universitaria celebrado en Bogotá (Colombia). El tema del congreso refleja un contexto mundial en el que la multiculturalidad está presente como realidad viva y en muchos casos doliente, y para otros como realidad problemática.

En la publicación se recogen diversas experiencias y reflexiones sobre esta temática presentando buenas prácticas en los diferentes ejes tratados en este V foro: la dimensión curricular y pedagógica, la dimensión de la responsabilidad social universitaria, y la dimensión basada en la investigación y las Tecnologías aplicadas a la educación universitaria. Los tres ejes ya permanentes en el trabajo que viene desarrollando el FIIU, constatan la relevancia y las aportaciones sistemáticas que se vienen produciendo sobre los mismos, enriqueciendo las perspectivas que desde la visión de las universidades se están trabajando como objeto de estudio.

El libro está disponible para su visualización y descarga gratuita: - desde SlideShare (clic en el botón Save) [Acceder] - descarga directa desde la web del FIIU [Descargar]

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Universities 2030: Learning from the Past to Anticipate the Future - Inside Higher Ed (blog)

Universities 2030: Learning from the Past to Anticipate the Future - Inside Higher Ed (blog) | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |
Universities 2030: Learning from the Past to Anticipate the Future Inside Higher Ed (blog) The differences between these institutions' approaches to internationalization amidst financial crisis shed light on the role of national context in shaping...
Alfredo Corell's insight:

You can also download the report on pdf format:

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The MOOC of One - One of the MOOC concept designer thoughts

The MOOC of One - One of the MOOC concept designer thoughts | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |
I want to talk about the MOOC of one. What I mean by that is I want to talk about the development of the MOOC or the Massive Open Online Course. I'm one of the people who designed the concept originally in 2008.
Alfredo Corell's insight:

"Even the MOOCs, the Massive Open Online Courses, that have followed the MOOCs that were developed by George Siemens and myself, the courses offered by Khan Academy, Coursera, Udacity, Udemy, and the rest are all based on the idea of some body of content.

Is being one being the same? That's kind of a hard question. It's not even clear what I mean when I ask that. Let's take doctors. Does being a doctor mean having exactly the same knowledge as every other doctor? No."
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DONALD CLARK: Taxonomy of 8 Types of MOOC

DONALD CLARK: Taxonomy of 8 Types of MOOC | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |
What are MOOCs? “The future is already here, it’s just not very evenly distributed” said William Gibson, that is certainly true of MOOCs. We have MOOC mania but ‘all MOOCs are not created equal’ an...
Alfredo Corell's insight:

A proposal of MOOC's classification: you could find out that a give course could be simultaneousely in a couple of types.

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MOOC: ¿el abismo de la desilusión? | @jordi_a edu & tec

MOOC: ¿el abismo de la desilusión? | @jordi_a edu & tec | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |
Alfredo Corell's insight:

¿Dónde estamos en julio de 2013? ¿Sigue el “ciclo de sobreexpectación” sobre los MOOC? O, si se cumple el modelo de Gartner,  ¿ya nos adentramos en el “abismo de desilusión”? (Wikipedia: “Las tecnologías entran en el abismo de desilusión porque no se cumplen las expectativas. Estas tecnologías dejan de estar de moda y en consecuencia, por lo general la prensa abandona el tema.).

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The year of the MOOCs: courses are Multiplying very quickly and they're generating massive amounts of Resources

The year of the MOOCs: courses are Multiplying very quickly and they're generating massive amounts of Resources | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |
Massive open online courses are the educational happening of the moment. Everyone wants in. No one is quite sure what they’re getting into.


IN late September, as workers applied joint compound to new office walls, hoodie-clad colleagues who had just met were working together on deadline. Film editors, code-writing interns and “edX fellows” — grad students and postdocs versed in online education — were translating videotaped lectures into MOOCs, or massive open online courses. As if anyone needed reminding, a row of aqua Post-its gave the dates the courses would “go live.”


The MOOCs are also generating a massive amount of MOOC Resources:


Creative Commons says MOOCs should be kept "Open" in a couple of senses:

The original MOOCs…were “open” in two respects. First, they were open enrollment to students outside the hosting university. That is open as in “open registration.” Second, the materials of the course were licensed using Creative Commons licenses so their materials could be remixed and reused by others. That is open as in “open license.”

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Also there are some experiences puzzled togehter in The Guardian:

Learning for free online

Distance learning is increasingly popular and one of the reasons is the growing number of free courses being offered online

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The MIT Technology Review says:

MOOCs are

The Most Important Education Technology in 200 Years

Students anywhere are being offered free instruction online. What will that do to the trillion-dollar education business?

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Rescooped by Alfredo Corell from Educación, pedagogía, TIC y mas.-!

Avanza el reconocimiento académico de los cursos online en Coursera

Avanza el reconocimiento académico de los cursos online en Coursera | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |

Cada vez es más el reconocimiento que se otorga a los cursos online (especialmente si son de calidad como los que ofrece Coursera). Ahora la Antioch University también ofrecera MOOCs (massive open online courses) reconocidos como parte de su programa de títulos universitarios.

Antioch ofrecerá las máximas facilidades y soporte online para que los estudiantes aprueben los créditos con éxito, aportando material online de calidad y ofreciendo instructores que estarán pendientes de los alumnos.

Via Mauricio M. Escudero
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Estudie gratis en Harvard o Stanford - MOOCs

Estudie gratis en Harvard o Stanford - MOOCs | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |
Las mejores universidades se lanzan a ofrecer cursos sin coste en Internet.

Los llamados "massive open Online courses" han supuesto un salto cualitativo en el elearning. Abanderados por las mejores universidades americanas han abierto un nuevo debate: estamos al final de la concepción clásica de la universidad???
PASEN, vean, participen.... Son gratis
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Rescooped by Alfredo Corell from :: The 4th Era ::!

Designing and running a MOOC (in 9 easy steps) | By George Siemens

Presentation, University of South Africa (Pretoria)...

Via IES Consaburum, Mohsen Saadatmand, Score Project, Alastair Creelman, Jim Lerman
cafel23mooc's curator insight, March 4, 2013 5:00 AM

Un diaporama qui permet de cheminer dans l'histoire des MOOC, la compréhension des formes de MOOC. Présentation des grandes données chiffrées des MOOC (le tendances en matière de fréquentation, de nationalités, d'outils utilisés sur le Web...). Pour finir, des conseils : les étapes d'une mise en oeuvre réfléchie du dispositif.


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Move over MOOCs – Collaborative MOOC 2.0 is coming

Move over MOOCs – Collaborative MOOC 2.0 is coming | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |

Massive open online courses – MOOCs – offered by top universities have expanded worldwide over the last three years, gaining students globally for courses designed in the United States and elsewhere and disseminated globally on platforms like Coursera, edX and the British-based FutureLearn.

Alfredo Corell's insight:

Many conventional MOOCs are developed and designed for Western teaching and learning experiences, says Auh, the lead project designer for MOOC 2.0. “But the general consensus here [among those working on MOOC 2.0] is that MOOCs education must be a collective effort from all parts of the world.” 

What is important, according to Auh, is that to avoid a “type of neo-colonialism”, receiving countries must collaborate in devising the MOOCs their students will study. 

“The stance of MOOC 2.0 is higher education should find ways to address the needs of those at the bottom of the pyramid while being sensitive to their culture,” Auh told University World News.

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Transition to open and on-line education in European universities

Transition to open and on-line education in European universities | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |
The Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference 2013 proceedings: transition to open and on-line education i...
Alfredo Corell's insight:

Corporate author: 
European Association of Distance Teaching Universities


This conference was dedicated to the topic of 'Transition to open and on-line education in European universities'. Massive open online courses (MOOCs) and open educational resources (OER) were key topics of the conference. Keynote presentations were: A strategy for Europe in the age of the knowledge society: building new knowledge networks among traditional and distance universities / Maria Amata Garito; Do MOOCs announce a new paradigm for higher education? / John Daniel and Stamenka Uvalic-Trumbic.

The papers are as follows: Innovative pedagogies / Maria Cecilia de ...  [+] Show more

Subjects: Providers of education and trainingHigher educationTechnologyTeaching and learning

Keywords: UniversityTeaching methodDistance educationDistance learningE-learningOpen learningOnline learningOnline systemEducational technology

Geographic subjects: Europe

Published: Heerlen, Netherlands: European Association of Distance Teaching Universities, 2013

Physical description: 454 p.

Access item: 

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Se pueden hacer MOOCs como churros?: Mi postura es NO: Siete pasos para crear un MOOC de calidad.

Se pueden hacer MOOCs como churros?: Mi postura es NO: Siete pasos para crear un MOOC de calidad. | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |
Seguramente, a estas alturas, ya conoces qué es un MOOC (si no, mira este enlace), o incluso participas en alguno. Pero es posible que, además, te hayas planteado crear tu propio curso masivo. Si es tu caso, este post es para ti.
Alfredo Corell's insight:

Observatorio MOOC propone una quizás excesivamente simple regla de 7 pasos para crear un MOOC de calidad.


Para realmente proponer un MOOC de calidad no tienes que elegir ninguna materia (paso 1) ni buscar un equipo de calidad (paso 2) ni crear un buen programa (paso 3). Realmente, si eres experto en ese campo... estos 3 pasos ya están dados. 


No se puede pretender crear MOOCs de calidad como churros.

María Dolores Díaz Noguera's curator insight, December 8, 2013 8:03 AM


melpece's curator insight, April 29, 2014 8:38 PM

Plantearse crear un MOOC propio.

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Moocs data offers promise of perfect teaching

Moocs data offers promise of perfect teaching | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |
When students learn online, every mouse click is tracked. Harness this wealth of data and we can create the ultimate in personalised lessons.
Alfredo Corell's insight:

If this trend continues, then, students could soon be receiving the ultimate in personalised teaching, with unique lessons targeted exactly to their needs, motivations and learning style.

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Rescooped by Alfredo Corell from Educational Technology News!

MOOCs are transforming higher education and providing fodder for scientific research

MOOCs are transforming higher education and providing fodder for scientific research | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |

"When campus president Wallace Loh walked into Juan Uriagereka's office last August, he got right to the point. “We need courses for this thing — yesterday!” Uriagereka, associate provost for faculty affairs at the University of Maryland in College Park, knew exactly what his boss meant. Campus administrators around the world had been buzzing for months about massive open online courses, or MOOCs: Internet-based teaching programmes designed to handle thousands of students simultaneously, in part using the tactics of social-networking websites."

Alfredo Corell's insight:

more thoughts about MOOCs


Jeff VanArnhem's curator insight, March 16, 2013 8:57 AM

Will the impact of MOOCs make their way to the high school?

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The Rise of the MOOC: The Future of Higher Education? via @jeancharles

The Rise of the MOOC: The Future of Higher Education? via  @jeancharles | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |

The Rise of the MOOC: The Future of Higher Education?

Higher education is a sector that has thus far embraced – but arguably has not been fundamentally altered by – the growth of the Internet. This has been rapidly changing over the last few years with the rise of MOOCs, or Massive Open Online Courses; a way of learning that lets students participate on their own terms via the Internet. MOOCs have been embraced in a big way by elite universities and institutions, and are beginning to have a major impact on higher education. But are MOOCs really delivering quality access to education, or are they creating huge issues for the education sector? ONLINE EDUCA BERLIN aims to explore the issue in detail.


The MOOC prize is a very positive reason to contribute to the education of hte poorest. More on this topic:


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MOOC Emprendimiento - Economía Digital

MOOC Emprendimiento - Economía Digital | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |
Curso masivo abierto sobre Emprendimiento...

UNIMOOC aemprende es un curso en línea que pretende dotar a sus alumnos de las claves y herramientas que pueden ser determinantes para el éxito en la creación de empresas en el contexto de la nueva economía, caracterizada por el uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones.

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Rescooped by Alfredo Corell from Educación a Distancia y TIC!

Education should take a lesson from the open-source movement

Education should take a lesson from the open-source movement | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |
Students should be able to move freely between institutions and get credit for work and experiences in the real world...

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