Curating Conference Video: Key Collections of Memorable Talks And Videos From Web Design Conferences | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |

Robin Good: Problem: "...with so many conferences that are out of reach for one reason or another, how does one catch the highlights from the conference that won’t fit into a 140 character tweet?"


Solution: The Smashing Magazine has just published a valuable  selection of curated design conference collections of video recordings and presentation clips presenting the best of those events.


"A number of sites have sprung up collating all of this wonderful content. Each with their own take on curating a library of conference videos."


This curated collection of collections comprises 35 online resources that have been designed for this very purpose: helping you discover the best talks, presentations and interviews from unique conferences and events.



Curation at work. 8/10


Full curated collection:




Via Robin Good