Optical pre-processing makes computer vision more robust and energy efficient | pixels and pictures | Scoop.it

Hybrid neural network can reconstruct Arabic or Japanese characters that it hasn’t seen before


Image analysis is ubiquitous in contemporary technology: from medical diagnostics to autonomous vehicles to facial recognition. Computers that use deep-learning convolutional neural networks—layers of algorithms that process images—have revolutionized computer vision.


But convolutional neural networks, or CNNs, classify images by learning from prior-trained data, often memorizing or developing stereotypes. They are also vulnerable to adversarial attacks that come in the form of small, almost-imperceptible distortions in the image that lead to bad decisions. These drawbacks limit the usefulness of CNNs. Additionally, there is growing awareness of the exorbitant carbon footprint associated with deep learning algorithms like CNNs.


One way to improve the energy efficiency and reliability of image processing algorithms involves combining conventional computer vision with optical preprocessors. Such hybrid systems work with minimal electronic hardware. Since light completes mathematical functions without dissipating energy in the preprocessing stage, significant time and energy savings can be achieved with hybrid computer vision systems. This emerging approach may overcome the shortcomings of deep learning and exploit the advantages of both optics and electronics.


In a recent paper published in Optica, UC Riverside mechanical engineering professor Luat Vuong and doctoral student Baurzhan Muminov demonstrate viability for hybrid computer vision systems via application of optical vortices, swirling waves of light with a dark central spot. Vortices can be likened to hydrodynamic whirlpools that are created when light travels around edges and corners.