Metaglossia: The Translation World
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Metaglossia: The Translation World
News about translation, interpreting, intercultural communication, terminology and lexicography - as it happens
Curated by Charles Tiayon
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Priest's new film says physics help prove existence of God :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

Irvine, Calif., Aug 11, 2012 / 05:02 pm (CNA).- A new film by philosopher, priest and producer Father Robert Spitzer aims to integrate faith and reason by making the claim that God's existence can be proved through scientific evidence.

“We thought the whole story wasn’t being told in the media about the evidence for God from physics,” the Jesuit priest told CNA.

“We’re utterly convinced that the evidence from physics shows the existence of God and certainly does not take away from it.”

The 49-minute documentary, titled “Cosmic Origins,” features eight physicists who discuss the big bang theory, theories of modern physics, and eventually discuss the need for a creator.

Along with Fr. Spitzer, a former Gonzaga University President and founder of the Magis Center for Faith and Reason, the film features Michael Heller of the Vatican Observatory, Nobel Laureate Arno Penzias, and a slew of professors from Harvard and Cambridge.!
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International Human Development Indicators - UNDP

The Human Development Report (HDR) was first launched in 1990 with the single goal of putting people back at the center of the development process in terms of economic debate, policy and advocacy.!
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Boosting vitamin D could keep glasses away: study - Life & Style - NZ Herald News

Increasing vitamin D intake could help to prevent age-related diseases, in particular loss of vision and blindness, a study says.!
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Educación, elemento fundamental de la democracia: Chuayffet

En la presentación del libro "Diccionario de la Democracia", de Patricio Emilio Marcos Giacoman, el presidente de la Mesa Directiva de la Cámara de Diputados, Emilio Chuayffet Chemor dijo que un elemento fundamental de la democracia es la educación.!
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Cambridge Journals Online - Journal of Child Language

Cambridge Journals Online (CJO) is the e-publishing service for over 270 journals published by Cambridge University Press and is entirely developed and hosted in-house.


A key publication in the field, Journal of Child Language publishes articles on all aspects of the scientific study of language behaviour in children, the principles which underlie it, and the theories which may account for it. The international range of authors and breadth of coverage allow the journal to forge links between many different areas of research including psychology, linguistics, cognitive science and anthropology. This interdisciplinary approach spans a wide range of interests: phonology, phonetics, morphology, syntax, vocabulary, semantics, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, or any other recognised facet of language study. In addition to articles, the journal contains a Notes section and an occasional section containing a review article plus commentaries by a range of other researchers.!
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Plain language and translation – guest post from expert in plain language

I have had the fortune of getting to know a plain language expert in Sweden, who is bilingual and also works with translation.!
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About Translation: Can translators ignore theory?

Being informed about translation theory is knowing what others have said and thought about translation: its purposes, how to judge whether a translation is accurate, successful, or well written. How to translate to achieve specific goals, what responsibilities translators have, and whether they are primarily responsible to the author, the original text, the reader, or the customer who commissioned a specific translation.!
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Europa Editions appoints Daniela Petracco | The Bookseller

dependent literature-in-translation specialist Europa Editions has appointed Daniela Petracco, previously an agent at Andrew Nurnberg Associates Literary Agency, as director of Europa Editions UK.!
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Bernard Laygues parle du métier de correcteur (2)

Bernard Laygues, qui fut correcteur au "Monde", réviseur au "Point", qui fit partie du jury des Championnats du monde d'orthographe et des Dicos d'or, parle du métier de correcteur.!
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Being Realistic with your Budget

As we pointed out on the previous post, translation could be expensive.  Rates in the translation industry are mainly established on  a per word basis.  This rate will vary depending on a couple...!
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Mais où est passé l’honnête homme?

Le grand Vitruve a défini l'architecture comme « une science qui doit être accompagnée d'une grande diversité d'études et de connaissances par le moyen desquelles elle juge de tous les ouvrag...!
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¿Quién dijo que no había trabajo?

El otro día, mi profesor de Interpretación nos escribió para que viéramos la oferta de trabajo que le acababan de ofrecer, no fuera a ser que nos interesara:
Though perhaps a bit unusual, the ...!
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Stuff We Should Probably Know, But Don’t

“So, is interpreting really complicated enough to need research?”

It’s an all too common question, especially from those who have never tried to do interpreting. For some reason, many peop...!
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Traducción a la vista

Después del test de la semana pasada de interpretación bilateral y consecutiva, hoy estamos empezando con la traducción a la vista. Este tipo de traducción se utiliza mucho en la interpretació...!
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Un ‘diccionario visual’ en el cerebro acelera y precisa el reconocimiento de palabras al leer / Noticias / SINC - Servicio de Información y Noticias Científicas

Con la primera lectura de una palabra, el cerebro la codifica visual y fonéticamente. Cuando el término se aprenda, será reconocido solo de forma visual, como si fuera un objeto sin parte sonora, lo que agiliza el proceso lector. A esta conclusión han llegado científicos estadounidenses que confían en que su hallazgo ayude a corregir problemas como la dislexia.

Una persona con capacidad de lectura normal puede captar una palabra increíblemente rápido, dentro de una fracción de segundo. Para lograrlo, el cerebro está dotado de un ‘diccionario visual’ que permite examinar las palabras de forma rápida y eficiente. Este mecanismo, puramente visual, ha sido descrito por un equipo de neurocientíficos del Centro Médico de la Universidad de Georgetown, EE UU.

El descubrimiento podría servir para resolver problemas cerebrales como la dislexia!
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Now, We Have a Long List of Movies

4 days ago, I posted an article on the movies about translation and interpreting. On Linkedin and Facebook, I got many responses and now, we have a long list of movies and full of new thoughts! Eve...!
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Tips for Translators: Delivery

You have completed your translation assignment and now it is ready to be delivered. If you are fortunate enough to have clients within your area, you could deliver the assignment personally. But outside of this scenario, you need to clarify with the client how they want their work delivered. The terms of delivery can change due to external factors, i.e., a labor strike, technology failure or natural disaster or as a result of a request by client.!
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Tips for Translators: Payment Arrangements

Now that the assignment has been completed, you know you will be paid for your work, but the question is WHEN? Some agency contracts state payment will made in 30 days, for other agencies you may have to wait 45 to 60 days. It is rare to find an agency that issues payment in less than 30 days with the average being closer to 40 days.!
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Le chinois, c'est l'avenir -

Le collège Saint-Thomas d'Aquin propose une option chinois dès la classe de quatrième. «J'ai hésité entre le foot et le chinois, mais ma mère m'a dit que le foot ne menait à rien, alors que le...!
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The Inbound Marketer’s Link Building SEO Glossary | Business 2 Community

We recently received inquiries on some of the terminology in the 15 Effective Link Building Techniques for SEO blog post.!
Yoho Marketing's curator insight, February 9, 2019 8:15 AM
Inbound Link Building Guide

Looking Up Words In A Book Not So Strange Yet : NPR

"Smoot" is one of 10,000 new words featured in the fifth edition of The American Heritage Dictionary, out this month. In an era when every definition is just a click away, why publish an enormous book of words?!
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The ‘linguistic famine’ in Kenyan households is diluting our culture - Opinion |

The Nation recently featured the story of a 16-year-old Kenyan girl who last year was...!
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Afghan interpreter denied Canadian visa

Sayed Shah Sharifi has been rejected by immigration officials who questioned his decision to go public with his complaints about a bogged-down system.!
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Harris Sherline: Curses! Crying Foul Over Foul Language -

Profanity has been around for centuries, but whatever happened to being discreet about it?!
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