Metaglossia: The Translation World
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Metaglossia: The Translation World
News about translation, interpreting, intercultural communication, terminology and lexicography - as it happens
Curated by Charles Tiayon
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translation – Call for Paper Special issue: Translating memory across cultures and discipline

translation – Call for Papers

Special issue: Translating memory across cultures and disciplines

Guest editors: Bella Brodzki (Sarah Lawrence College, NY) and Cristina Demaria (University of Bologna, Italy)

Translation is inscribed “within a scene of inheritance” (Derrida).

translation devotes a special issue to the two concepts—translation and memory. They are interrelated: (1) memory—as the retrieval, reconstruction, inscription, and leaving of traces and their effects—plays a central role in any translation process, and (2) translation --the transformative character of translation is inherent in every memory and memorializing act. Remembering draws its (belated) versions of the past from different presents, serving multiple and often competing purposes. These include the imagined and projected versions of what is to come. Recent work in Translation and Memory Studies has seldom explored such articulations, especially regarding their mutually illuminating critical and political implications.

This special issue will establish a dialogue with and among scholars working on the intersections between translation studies and memory studies as they are presently configured and might be envisioned in the future.

We invite contributions on the ways:

- translations are (re)constructions of either subjective or collective memories

- translations give new life to texts, identities, cultures, and past experience

- cultures shape collective memories through complex translation processes

What kinds of texts, practices, and discourses result from the selection and the reassembling of past events into a memory mediator? To give voice to memory, one calls on other languages, modes, and forms. The filter through which those languages pass and are mediated are translative.

Contributions could include, but are not limited to, the following areas: cultural and individual memory; historical catastrophe and inter-semiotic trauma narratives (graphic, visual, etc); memory as a multidirectional, transcultural and transnational force; memory, transitional justice and reconciliation; monuments and memorialization across cultures; translation and memory in sacred texts; migration and multilingualism: the migrant’s translation of memory; ethnopsychiatry; asymmetric or contested memories; memory and representation genres of testimony (autobiography, novels, graphic novel, cinema, documentary, performance, visual arts and installations); silenced and suppressed memories; memory as a source of transcultural ethics; neuro/cognitive studies of translation and cross-cultural language/memory loss; technology and memory; digital mediations of memory; archival memory.

Due Dates

Abstracts (ca 300 words) or drafts can be sent to Cristina Demaria,

Deadline for submission of abstracts is April 30, 2013.

Deadline for the submission of the completed articles is September 30, 2013.

Additional information contact Cristina Demaria at

The journal

translation is a new international peer-reviewed journal published twice a year. The journal—a collaborative initiative of the Nida School of Translation Studies and leading translation studies scholars from around the world—takes as its main mission is the collection and representation of the ways translation is a fundamental element of cultures’ transformation in the contemporary world. Our ambition is to create a new forum for the discussion of translation, translation offers an open space for debate and reflection on post-translation studies. translation moves beyond disciplinary boundaries towards transdisciplinary discourses on the translational nature of societies, which are increasingly hybrid, diasporic, border-crossing, intercultural, multilingual, and global.

Translation studies is enjoying unprecedented success: translation has become a fecund and frequent metaphor for our contemporary intercultural world, and scholars from many disciplines—including linguistics, comparative literature, cultural studies, anthropology, psychology, communication and social behaviour, and global studies—have begun investigating translational phenomena.

The journal starts from the assumptions that translational processes are fundamental to the creation of individual and social histories and to the formation of subjective and collective identities—that is, to the dynamic transmission and preservation of culture(s). From here the journal invites reflection and exchange on translation’s role in memory-making through the representing, performing, and recounting of personal and collective experiences of linguistic and cultural, psychic and physical displacement, transfer, and loss.!
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Iranian Journal of Society, Culture & Language

Iranian Journal of Society, Culture & Language (IJSCL) is a fully peer-reviewed international journal that publishes original research and review articles on the relationship between society, culture, and language. IJSCLfavors articles which have a sound theoretical base with visible practical applications that can be used by specialists in anthropology, sociology, linguistics, education, intercultural studies, and policy making. Authors from all languages and cultures are invited to submit their research and review articles to the IJSCL journal.!
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Courriel européen des langues n° 26 - octobre 2012 - Le site de l'Association des Professeurs de Langues Vivantes

Le Courriel européen des langues est édité par le Centre international d’études pédagogiques (CIEP), point de contact national du Centre européen pour les langues vivantes.!
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Revista Machado de Assis – Literatura Brasileira em Tradução é lançada na Feira de Frankfurt

Revista Machado de Assis – Literatura Brasileira em Tradução é lançada na Feira de Frankfurt


Objetivo é divulgar a literatura brasileira traduzida em inglês e espanhol e estimular a publicação de clássicos. No evento foram anunciados também os temas das 2ª e 3ª edições

Foi lançada hoje, 10 de outubro, durante o primeiro dia da Feira do Livro de Frankfurt, o número de estreia da Revista Machado de Assis - Literatura Brasileira em Tradução. “É um prazer e uma honra lançar essa revista aqui em Frankfurt, esse trabalho de parceria faz parte de um esforço que começou em 2011 e está planejado até 2020”, ressaltou o presidente da Fundação Biblioteca Nacional (FBN), Galeno Amorim, ao abrir o evento. A revista é uma parceria da FBN com em parceria com o Itaú Cultural, a Imprensa Oficial de São Paulo e o Ministério das Relações Exteriores.
“A Revista Machado de Assis é uma parceria público-privada com excelentes equipes envolvidas e grande empenho da FBN” elogiou o gerente da área de literatura e audiovisual do Itaú Cultura,Claudiney Ferreira. O nome foi escolhido em homenagem ao escritor Machado de Assis (1839-1909), um dos mais importantes da língua portuguesa. A publicação terá edições impressas semestrais e virtuais trimestrais, no site Criada a partir do edital de coedições da FBN, a publicação busca apresentar ao mercado editorial internacional os autores que vêm se destacando no país, tanto os experientes quanto os novos talentos.
No lançamento, foi anunciado o prazo para o recebimento de textos das 2ª e 3ª edições, que vai até o dia 10 de novembro. A segunda edição será voltada a trechos de ficção brasileira e aceitará textos já publicados em livro no Brasil traduzidos para o alemão, espanhol e inglês. A terceira edição será inteiramente dedicada à literatura infantojuvenil. Assim, o Brasil já começa a se preparar para a homenagem que receberá em 2014, na Feira do Livro de Bolonha, a mais importante do mercado internacional para este tipo de literatura.!
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Revistas electrónicas de Traducción en Acceso Abierto

  1611 : Revista de Historia de la Traducción ISSN: 19882963 Subject: Linguistics Publisher: Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona Country: Spain Language: Catalan, Spanish, English Keywords: tran...!
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CALR online Linguistic Journal

CALR online Linguistic Journal

Sujet : The online Linguistic Journal of CALR (Centre for Applied Linguistic Research) is an open access, ISSN referenced, and internationally refereed online journal that publishes works from several fields of linguistic research with the purpose of discovering, interpreting or developing new methods and systems for the advancement of knowledge on wide range of language research. The online Linguistic Journal accepts papers on exploratory research that structures and identifies new problems, empirical research which tests the feasibility of a solution to an identified problem through empirical evidence; and constructivist research that develops new perspectives or frameworks to deal with potential concerns.
ISSN : 2073-1175
Langue : Anglais
Format : Pdf, Php
Catégorie : 400 Langues!
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Revue Doletiana nº 4, "Philosophie et Traduction"

REVUE DOLETIANA Nº 4 Le quatrième numéro de la revue Doletiana sera consacré au thème « Philosophie et traduction ».

Information publiée le vendredi 21 septembre 2012 par Perrine Coudurier (source : Núria d'Asprer)

Date limite : 30 octobre 2012

Le quatrième numéro de la revue Doletiana sera consacré au thème « Philosophie et traduction ». Dans ce numéro, nous voulons réfléchir sur l’importance du rapport entre l’une et l’autre discipline, à la lumière des différentes formes que ce rapport peut adopter.
D’une part, nous visons des textes qui abordent « la philosophie de la traduction », c’est-à-dire les problématiques conceptuelles que le passage interlinguistique a suscitées tout au long de l’histoire de la philosophie (de F. Schleiermacher à Antoine Berman, en passant bien évidemment par W. Benjamin et P. Ricoeur), ainsi que les limites rationnelles ou irrationnelles que toute traduction peut, a priori ou a posteriori, rencontrer. Ce premier volet embrassera des réflexions traductologiques étroitement liées à des questions philosophiques ou à des auteurs qui ont élaboré une pensée de la traduction. D’autre part, nous proposons aussi de se pencher sur des analyses précises des traductions de textes philosophiques (quelles que soient la langue de départ et la langue d’arrivée).!
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Language as a fundamental right: How do the African languages benefit from this right?

Language as a fundamental right: How do the African languages benefit from this right?
Stanley Madonsela


Fifteen years have passed since the South African Constitution first declared that there would be 11 official languages in South Africa. This declaration was intended to enhance the promotion and development of the historically marginalised ethnic languages of South Africa, redressing apartheid policies where all ethnic languages were suppressed and undermined by the highest authority. The new constitution brought millions of Africans hope that their identity would at last be acknowledged through the official recognition of their languages. The aim of this article is to investigate the role of the constitutional imperatives and other legal resources in addressing the issue of language, especially African languages, as a fundamental right.

South African Journal of African Languages 2012, 32(1): 91–97!
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Taylor & Francis Online :: Translation Review - Volume 83, Issue 1

Translation Review
Publication of the Center for Translation Studies
0737-4836 (Print), 2164-0564 (Online) Publication Frequency
3 issue per year!
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The Translation Project: Bringing Iranian-inspired projects to the world in literary and cultural translation

The Translation Project is a literary organization and production company with innovative projects in books, multimedia, theater and film.!
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no man's land links * Translation Magazines

no man's land links * Translation Magazines
Literary Translation Magazines
Magazines and online projects that publish exclusively literary translations, translation-related articles … and the occasional experiment.

Literary Translation Magazines with Language and/or Regional Focus
Magazines and online projects that focus on the literature of one (or more) specific language(s) or region(s).

Literary Magazines with Translation Focus
Literary magazines that make a point of regularly publishing translations alongside original English-language work.

Literary Translation Journals (Scholarly/Critical)
Journals examining literary translation from a scholarly/critical/academic perspective!
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Tusaaji : A Translation Review

Tusaaji : A Translation Review

Tusaaji – A Translation Review

Sujet : Tusaaji – A Translation Review is a space of collective inquiry into translation as the embodiment of larger questions of culture. We investigate translation at intersections across traditions, languages, and fields of knowledge and discourse. Our aim is to entertain a variety of voices in translation with a focus on the Americas.
ISSN : 1925-5624
Langue : Anglais, Espagnol, Français, Inuit*, Portugais
Format : Pdf, Php
Catégorie : 400 Langues!
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Now Available from St. Jerome: The Interpreter and Translator Trainer-ITT 6(2) 2012‏

The Interpreter and Translator TrainerVolume 6, Number 2, 2012Now available to online subscribers     Contents Training Translators in the European Higher ...!
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Série III - nº 3 - 2012 - Centro de Estudos Anglísticos da Universidade de Lisboa



Anthony Pym and Alexandra Assis Rosa!
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Revistas de traducción

Las revistas especializadas en traducción son una herramienta muy útil para estar al día y también para formarse, por eso quiero hacer un breve repaso de las principales que consulto en línea y de forma gratuita, por si a alguien le resultan interesantes. En estos momentos de crisis en los que el trabajo a menudo llega por sacudidas, a veces nos encontramos ante un día entero o más sin nada que traducir. Esos días, además de dedicarlos a buscar nuevos clientes, mandar currículos y ordenar la mesa, podemos utilizarlos también para otras cosas, por ejemplo a hacer un poco de ejercicio, ¡y también a leer! Entre las lecturas, ¿qué tal algún artículo sobre traducción, de esos que a veces leemos a toda prisa mientras se cuecen los frijoles? A continuación haré un breve resumen de algunas de las más importantes que yo conozco. Si alguien conoce otras y quiere colaborar, le agradeceré que escriba un comentario para que pueda añadirla.!
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Taylor & Francis Online :: Translation Studies - Volume 5, Issue 3

Volume 5, Issue 3, 2012

Sample copy
Translation Studies
1478-1700 (Print), 1751-2921 (Online) Publication

3 issues per year!
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Journal of Intercultural Communication

Cross-Cultural Discourse Analysis and Intercultural Education in Foreign Language Teaching and Learning
How may culture be defined? Numerous works and important contributions have been answering this crucial question for the past thirty years; yet the problem remains unsolved. When taking a close look at ‘intercultural communication’, we may see that some utterances might not be that cultural at all. If we have a clear definition of ‘intercultural communication’, then what is ‘intra-cultural communication’ (Winch 1997, Ma 2004)? Is there really a sharp difference between these two concepts and is miscommunication necessarily ‘cultural’ when implying individuals or groups from alleged different cultural backgrounds? We will study various examples and try to separate the cultural from the non-cultural by taking a close look at intercultural and intra-cultural miscommunication, insofar as their definitions seem to ultimately cover the same conceptual maps. After this first step, we will deconstruct the concept of culture, as it has been defined by scholars in various research fields over the last decades; we will thus see that culture might not be a set of shared values or behaviours (Knapp & Knapp-Pothoff 1990; Scollon & Wong Scollon 2001): culture may only be a very personal variable of a complex, strangely organized and experimental toolbox (Kay 1999) which would constitute a product of our education, psychology, social encounters and language and would only remain activated through particular contexts. This exploration will eventually be followed by a proposal for a redefinition of ‘culture’ as a concept, based on interactional pragmatics, contextics (Castella 2005) and a triadic declension of this very concept with three notions: bathyculture, dramaculture and osmoculture.!
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JoSTrans Issue 18 (July 2012): Special issue on Terminology, Phraseology and Translation - July 2012

Table of Contents: Issue 18
Special issue on Terminology, Phraseology and Translation - July 2012


Lucile Desblache
HTML [EN] [FR] [DE] [PL] [IT]
PDF [EN] [FR] [DE] [PL] [IT] P 1
Margaret Rogers
Guest editor's introduction
[about the author] [HTML] [PDF] PP 2-6

Dionysios Kapsaskis explores globalisation issues with Michael Cronin, Dublin City University.

Margaret Rogers interviews David Bennett, freelance translator.

Lucile Desblache interviews Myriam Salama-Carr, Director of the Centre for Translation and Interpreting, on recent changes in Translation Studies and developments in scientific translation.




ARTICLES (Issue 18)

Alan K. Melby
Terminology in the age of multilingual corpora
[abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF] PP 7-29
Elizabeth Marshman, Julie L. Gariépy and Charissa Harms
Helping language professionals relate to terms: Terminological relations and termbases
[abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF] PP 30-56
Clara Inés López Rodríguez, Miriam Buendía Castro and Alejandro García Aragón
User needs to the test: evaluating a Terminological Knowledge Base on the environment by trainee translators
[abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF] PP 57-76
Isabel Durán Muñoz
Meeting translators’ needs: translation-oriented terminological management and applications
[abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF] PP 77-92
Renate Trurnit-Verbic, Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis et Hélène Ledouble
Amalgames de la terminologie allemande : Problématique pour l’accès aux données terminologiques multilingues et la traduction
[abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF]
PP 93-112
Mojca Pecman
Etude lexicographique et discursive des collocations en vue de leur intégration dans une base de données terminologiques
[abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF]
PP 113-138
Tamara Varela Vila and Elena Sánchez Trigo
EMCOR: a medical corpus for terminological purposes
[abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF]
PP 139-159
Marella Magris
Variation in Terminologie, Terminographie und Phraseographie
[abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF]
PP 160-174
Katia Peruzzo
Secondary term formation within the EU: term transfer, legal transplant or approximation of Member States’ legal systems?
[abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF]
PP 175-186
Maribel Tercedor Sánchez, José Manuel Ureña Gómez Moreno, and Juan Antonio Prieto Velasco
Grasping metaphoric and metonymic processes in terminology
[abstract] [about the author] [HTML] [PDF]
PP 187-205

Rudvin, Mette and Elena Tomassini (2011)
Interpreting in the Community and Workplace. A Practical Teaching Guide
Reviewed by Jan Cambridge [HTML] [PDF] PP 206-207
Ángela Collados Aís, Emilia Iglesias Fernández, E. Macarena Pradas Mecías and Elisabeth Stévaux (eds) (2011).
Qualitätsparameter beim Simultandolmetschen Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven
Reviewed by Reviewed by Estel·la Oncins Noguer [HTML] [PDF] PP 208-210
Bernal Merino, Miguel Á. (ed.) (2011).
"Video Game Localisation." TRANS. Revista de Traductología, 15.
Reviewed by Rocío Baños Piñero [HTML] [PDF]
PP 289-291
Remael, Aline, Pilar Orero and Mary Carroll (eds) (2012).
Audiovisual Translation and Media Accessibility at the Crossroads
Reviewed by Aikaterini Tsaousi [HTML] [PDF] PP 214-216
Federici, Federico M. (ed) (2009).
Translating Regionalised Voices in Audiovisuals
Reviewed by Adriana Tortoriello [HTML] [PDF] PP 217-219
Bartoll, Eduard (2012).
La subtitulació. Aspectes teòrics i pràctics
Reviewed by Estel·la Oncins Noguer [HTML] [PDF] PP 220-221
Stolze, Radegundis (2011).
Übersetzungstheorien. Eine Einführung.
Reviewed by Anna Maszerowska [HTML] [PDF] PP 222-223
Sonzogni, Marco (2011).
Re-Covered Rose: A case study in book cover design as intersemiotic translation(2011)
Reviewed by María López Ponz [HTML] [PDF] PP 224-225
Cienki, Alan and Cornelia Muller (eds) (2008).
Metaphor and Gesture
Reviewed by Sara Rovira Esteva [HTML] [PDF]!
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PRESS RELEASE: Announcing Two Lines Press | Two Books | A New Format for TWO LINES World Writing in Translation

July 26, 2012—The Center for the Art of Translation proudly announces the launch of Two Lines Press, which will publish its first two books of translated literature in spring 2013. Two Lines Press will also deliver a new format for its acclaimed annual anthology of international literature, TWO LINES World Writing in Translation, coming this fall.
Available in October, Passageways is the first volume of TWO LINES World Writing in Translation at the handy 5 x 8 trim size. This 19th volume in the IndieBound Indie Next List-awarded series updates to a fresh new look to match the series's traditionally strong content. "This new look will draw in readers who expect great design to match top-tier literature," says CJ Evans, TWO LINES managing editor. "We're excited for this opportunity to bring TWO LINES' vital translations to even more readers."
Passageways will also be available in an electronic edition—another first for TWO LINES. This joins the Center's ongoing electronic initiatives—including its TWO LINES Online website, with over 100 translations plus new stories and poems each month, and its That Other Word podcast.!
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Intercultural Pragmatics

Aims and Scope

Intercultural Pragmatics is a fully peer-reviewed forum for theoretical and applied pragmatics research. The goal of the journal is to promote the development and understanding of pragmatic theory and intercultural competence by publishing research that focuses on general theoretical issues, more than one language and culture, or varieties of one language. Intercultural Pragmatics encourages ‘interculturality’ both within the discipline and in pragmatic research. It supports interaction and scholarly debate between researchers representing different subfields of pragmatics including the linguistic, cognitive, social, and interlanguage paradigms.

In addition to the paper section, our "Forum" includes interviews, debates, rebuttals, and research statements from leading theoreticians and researchers. The intercultural perspective is relevant not only to each line of research within pragmatics but also extends to several other disciplines such as anthropology, theoretical and applied linguistics, psychology, communication, sociolinguistics, second language acquisition, and bi- and multilingualism.

The journal makes a special effort to cross disciplinary boundaries. It intends to be a forum for researchers who are looking for new tools and methods to investigate human languages and communication to better understand the role of pragmatic competence in language acquisition and the process of communication. The editors, editorial board members, and the publisher are committed to producing a journal that is provocative and open to new ideas.

We are especially interested in featuring articles and research papers that

address major issues of pragmatics research such as communicative principles, explicatures, implicatures, role of context, semantics-pragmatics interface, and so forth,
explore the implications of pragmatics research for theoretical developments and practical applications in the fields of language acquisition and intercultural communication,
analyze the ways in which language is both shaped by culture and is the medium through which culture is created,
focus on the use of varieties of one language, including the investigation of lingua franca from a pragmatic perspective,
discuss language use and gender differences in the context of cross-cultural interaction,
describe the meaning and implications of interculturality and analyze the reasons for cross-cultural misunderstandings,
study the nature of interaction between native speakers and non-native speakers and bi- and multilinguals,
investigate the effect of dual language and multilingual systems on the development and use of pragmatic skills,
examine the teachability and learnability of pragmatic skills in instructional environments.!
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Translation Journal - Volume 16, No. 3 July 2012

Journal for translators, by translators, about translators and translation...!
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Articles from Canada's Language Industry Association (AILIA

Hi there,


Should you be interested, here is the link to all of Canada's Language Industry Association (AILIA) latest news about the language industry.!
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