RTMP streaming with FFmpeg – by Fabio Sonnati | Video Breakthroughs | Scoop.it

This is the fourth and last part of a short series dedicated to FFmpeg.

In this conclusive article I will focus on the support for RTMP that makes FFmpeg an excellent tool for enhancing the capabilities of the Adobe Flash Streaming Ecosystem. FFmpeg introduced a strong support for RTMP streaming with the release 0.5 by the inclusion of the librtmp (rtmpdump) core. An RTMP stream can be used both as an input and/or as an output in a command line.


Using some of the parameters that we have seen in the first three parts of the series, it’s possible to do a lot of things that the standard Flash Streaming Ecosystem cannot offer. Sometimes there are minor bugs but generally speaking the rtmplib works well and helps FMS to fill the gap with some advanced feature of Wowza Server (like re-purposing of rtp/rtsp stream, TS-stream and so on).