@Asperasoft On-Demand for Amazon's @AWScloud Services "Direct-to-S3" | Video Breakthroughs | Scoop.it

"Direct-to-S3": High Performance Data Transport for AWS 


"Aspera’s patented fasp™ technology is a next-generation transport protocol that eliminates the latency and packet loss bottlenecks of traditional file transfer paradigms such as FTP, HTTP, NFS and CIFS. By enabling high performance fasp data transport to, from and between remote cloud infrastructures, Aspera On-Demand allows AWS users to fully realize the scalability, efficiency gains and cost savings offered by the EC2 and S3 platforms.


With Aspera On-Demand for AWS, users have the freedom to transfer files at their full bandwidth capacity – hundreds of times faster than conventional technologies – with the assurance that highly valuable content will be moved and stored reliably, in total security."