FOMS Workshop and the State of Open Web Video | Video Breakthroughs |

The 2012 FOMS workshop took place in Paris, France. The working meeting consisted of focused sessions dedicated to bridging gaps among browser vendors and ensuing associative APIs meet the needs of developers that are making use of them. Browser vendors represented included Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Opera. Players platforms such as Youtube, BrightCove / VideoJS, Long tail / jwPlayer and of course Kaltura were also represented.


Organised by Siliva, the meeting has long severed as a great space to hack and ‘get things done‘ in the open media standards and software space. This year was no exception. In this post I highlight some of the sessions that took place and provide a rough summery of the state of associated web video APIs & components : WebRTC, Media Source Extensions / MediaStream Processing API, WebVTT, New Codecs...