Web 3.0
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Web 3.0
Futures of the Web: semantic/symbiotic/ubiquitous web, internet/web of things, artificial intelligence, singularity, internet 3.0...
Curated by Pierre Tran
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Viv une IA qui fait les choses que vous demandez

Viv une IA qui fait les choses que vous demandez | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it

Une petite équipe d’ingénieurs a fait un démarrage furtif avec Viv Labs et affirme être sur le point de réaliser une forme avancée de l’IA qui supprime les limitations. Alors que Siri ne peut effectuer que des tâches que les ingénieurs Apple implémentent explicitement, ce nouveau programme, disent-ils, sera en mesure d’apprendre par lui-même, ce qui lui donne des possibilités quasi illimitées.


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Skynet Lives! Google RankBrain Is A Neural Network Artificial Intelligence Which ‘Loves’ Stephen Hawking And Elon Musk

Skynet Lives! Google RankBrain Is A Neural Network Artificial Intelligence Which ‘Loves’ Stephen Hawking And Elon Musk | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it

The Terminator’s Skynet has always served as a cautionary tale of what could happen if a neural network-based Artificial Intelligence were ever given access to the entire internet along with the world’s weapons. Well, the future is now, and Google’s RankBrain has been secretly crunching search data for almost all of 2015.

Patrick Frye, 06/11/2015
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Google Knowledge Graph: A Step Towards A More Semantic Web

Google Knowledge Graph: A Step Towards A More Semantic Web | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it
Google Knowledge Graph Following its mission to provide more and more relevant search results and help its users to find what they’re looking for as quickly as possible, Google has built the Knowledge Graph. Launched in 2012, the Knowledge Graph is a big step towards creating a “semantic web” that understands its human users better …
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Google develops computer program capable of learning tasks independently

Google develops computer program capable of learning tasks independently | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it

Google scientists have developed the first computer program capable of learning a wide variety of tasks independently, in what has been hailed as a significant step towards true artificial intelligence.

Hannah Devlin, 25/02/2015

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Google's Eric Schmidt Predicts The Disappearance Of The Internet

Google's Eric Schmidt Predicts The Disappearance Of The Internet | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it
As literally everything becomes connected, we'll stop thinking of the Internet as something that exists on a computer or phone.

LUKE DORMEHL, 23/01/2015

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Google is funding “an artificial intelligence for data science”

Google is funding “an artificial intelligence for data science” | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it

Google announced on Tuesday that it is funding a project, called Automatic Statistician, that bills itself as “an artificial intelligence for data science.

 Derrick Harris, 02/12/2014

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Ray Kurzweil's Job At Google: Beat IBM's Watson At Natural Language Search

Ray Kurzweil's Job At Google: Beat IBM's Watson At Natural Language Search | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it
If Ray Kurzweil is right, computers will be smarter than humans 15 years from now. It’s called “technological singularity” and a big part of his job at Google is making sure that vision becomes reality. Kurzweil, an inventor and futurist that became Google’s Director of Engineering in late 2012, recently told the Guardian that his […]
Pierre Tran's insight:

L'objectif de Google, ce n'est pas seulement d'indexer tout le web, c'est surtout comprendre la signification de tous ces documents du web.

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Google’s Ray Kurzweil predicts how the world will change

Google’s Ray Kurzweil predicts how the world will change | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it

Ray Kurzweil is sitting in an office in San Francisco’s tallest building overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge. Over 45 minutes, speaking rapidly in monotone sentences dense with facts and ideas, Google’s director of engineering has outlined a future for the world that would seem incredible, were it not that this man has a 30-year track record of making seemingly bonkers predictions that have proved to be accurate. Among other things, Kurzweil predicted that the internet would become central to our lives when it was still a niche and unreliable network in the Eighties...

Pierre Tran's insight:

Les prédictions de Ray Kurzweil, jusqu'en 2040. L'apôtre de la singularité nous dévoile qu'en 2029, Google sera en mesure de créer un ordibateur capable de comprendre le langage naturel et les émotions humaines.

Marta Torán's curator insight, January 21, 2014 3:02 PM

Las predicciones de un ingeniero de Google que acostumbra a acertar.


Google del Cerebro - que entenderá las emociones y el lenguaje natural.

Coches autodirigidos

Un mundo sin obesidad

Detener el envejecimiento

Ropa que se imprime en casa


Y más...


Michael Ravensbergen's curator insight, January 21, 2014 4:22 PM

Stay forever young!!!

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Forget Searching For Content - Content Is About To Start Searching For You

Forget Searching For Content - Content Is About To Start Searching For You | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it
In the near future of search, you won't be looking for Internet content anymore - it will be looking for you.
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Google Glasses et Lunette Rank : l'homme interfacé

Google Glasses et Lunette Rank : l'homme interfacé | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it

Les Google Glasses sont la fusion possible du web, du graphe des documents qui le composent, du PageRank, ainsi que des hommes, du catalogue des individualités humaines connectées, du SocialRank...

Après être redevenu un document comme les autres, l'Homme redevient un simple capteur, un "agent" parmi d'autres, une itération calculable d'un programme qui le dépasse.

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Google And Berg Team Up To Create An Internet Of Things

Google And Berg Team Up To Create An Internet Of Things | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it
Google is ridiculously powerful. The service isn’t just search. It isn’t just maps. It isn’t just your email or spreadsheets.
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By hiring Kurzweil, Google just killed the Singularity

By hiring Kurzweil, Google just killed the Singularity | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it
Thank God.

Late last Friday, Google announced a jaw-dropping hire: Ray Kurzweil will join the company as a Director of Engineering. Has the world’s brainiest tech company suddenly bought into Kurzweil’s“rapture of the nerds” b.s. “technological singularity” ideas? Hardly. They’ve just signed The Singularity’s death warrant by putting its chief proselytizer to work doing what he does best: inventing better machines for the real world, not writing science fiction. For this, Larry Page should get some kind of medal.

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This May Be Google's Coolest Invention Ever

This May Be Google's Coolest Invention Ever | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it
It's right out of Star Trek—literally
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Could Artificial Intelligence Lose Its Mind?

Could Artificial Intelligence Lose Its Mind? | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it
Google's DeepDream provides an unsettling glimpse of a machine's "thinking."

Beyond the pretty pictures, however, DeepDream hints at the kind of personality that artificial intelligence could develop quite by accident.

Leonid Bershidsky, 24/04/2015

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Web 4.0 : l'internet de l'ADN et le web généticiel

Web 4.0 : l'internet de l'ADN et le web généticiel | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it
1998-2006. Documents. Web 1.0 Il aura fallu 8 ans à Google pour parvenir à indexer tous les documents disponibles. Oh je vous vois venir, oui, vous avez raison, Google n'indexe pas "tous" les documents disponibles. Probablement moins de 5% des..

Olivier Ertzscheid, 03/03/2015


Pierre Tran's insight:

Du Web 1.0 au Web généticiel, une mise en perspective vertigineuse de l'évolution d'internet.

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Google's Secret Weapon In The Battle For The Internet Of Things: Academia

Google's Secret Weapon In The Battle For The Internet Of Things: Academia | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it
Can Google's new grant program clean up a notoriously messy new category of technologies and devices?

When it comes to building up clout in an emerging industry, Google pulls out all the stops. And doing that usually involves spending lots of money.

TINA AMIRTHA, 05/02/2015

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Google CEO: Fears About Artificial Intelligence are 'Misguided'

Google CEO: Fears About Artificial Intelligence are 'Misguided' | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it

Google chief executive Eric Schmidt says fears over artificial intelligence and robots replacing humans in jobs are “misguided”. In fact the CEO of one of the world’s most powerful tech companies says AI is likely going to make humanity better.

Eric Schmidt says the real concern is about educating people how to use computers.

AMELIA SMITH, 10/12/2014

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Tech giants pour resources into artificial intelligence

Tech giants pour resources into artificial intelligence | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it

The latest Silicon Valley arms race is a contest to build the best artificial brains. Facebook, Google and other leading tech companies are jockeying to hire top scientists in the field of artificial intelligence, while spending heavily on a quest to make computers think more like people.

Brandon Bailey, 10/05/2014

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Laurent Alexandre : "La stratégie secrète de Google apparaît…"

Laurent Alexandre : "La stratégie secrète de Google apparaît…" | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it
INTERVIEW - Laurent Alexandre, expert en technologies du futur, analyse le nouveau rôle de Google dans nos vies et dans nos sociétés.
Pierre Tran's insight:

Google est en passe de maîtriser tous les secteurs des technologies NBIC (Nanotechnologies, Bio-ingénierie, Informatique et Cognitique) et de devenir leader dans l'intelligence artificielle, la lutte contre la mort, la robotique, la domotique, les voitures intelligentes.... Google pourrait devenir plus puissant que les Etats...

Mikel Arbeloa's curator insight, February 22, 2014 12:38 PM

La estrategia secreta de Google: Del motor de búsqueda a la Inteligencia Artificial

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« Le nouvel âge digital » : l’ouvrage futurologue des leaders de Google fait polémique

« Le nouvel âge digital » : l’ouvrage futurologue des leaders de Google fait polémique | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it
Cet ouvrage rédigé par Eric Schmidt et Jared Cohen, défend la théorie selon laquelle internet permettrait de faire régner le bien commun. La polémique est ouverte.
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How Ray Kurzweil Will Help Google Make the Ultimate AI Brain

How Ray Kurzweil Will Help Google Make the Ultimate AI Brain | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it
On Tuesday, Kurzweil moderated a live Google hangout tied to a release of the upcoming Will Smith film, “After Earth,” presumably tying the film’s futuristic concept to actual futurists.
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Exclusive Interview With Ray Kurzweil On Future AI Project At Google

In an exclusive with Singularity Hub, Ray Kurzweil gave one of his first interviews since the December announcement that he joined Google full time as Director of Engineering. Speaking with Keith Kleiner, Ray discusses his new role, how his research interests connect with his latest book How To Create A Mind (which Keith recently interviewed Ray about here), and how technology will advance to produce a "cybernetic friend.

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Kurzweil joins Google to work on new projects involving machine learning and language processing

Kurzweil joins Google to work on new projects involving machine learning and language processing | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it

Ray Kurzweil confirmed today that he will be joining Google to work on new projects involving machine learning and language processing.

“I’m excited to share that I’ll be joining Google as Director of Engineering this Monday, December 17,” said Kurzweil.

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