13 New Tools to Outsource Your Content Creation in 2016 - Jeffbullas's Blog | digital marketing strategy | Scoop.it

Employ someone and you have to consider salary, workspace, and equipment; not to mention benefits like medical care and paid vacation time.

Conversely, freelancers are only paid for the work they do.

This is generally (though not always) more cost-effective than taking on someone in-house, and allows you to increase or decrease their workload as needed.

This makes outsourcing extremely flexible, which is a huge win for small businesses.

But don’t get too excited just yet… there’s a hard part: actually finding great freelancers and managing them effectively.

Thankfully there’s plenty of tools designed to help you do just that (and many more being released all the time).

Let’s take a look at some of the more recent additions to the market that can help you to outsource and manage your content creation in 2016...

Via Jeff Domansky, Dejan Nikolic